“What’s up with Figure #20?” a friend asked.
(Figure #20 is repeated below.)
Fig. #20. This is not Maine, but Charlie lives within a camera’s eye of Mt. Rainier (Seattle), he takes a great picture, and he includes a little big water.
Well I cleverly linked the “not” buying of books to the “knot” tying of sailors everywhere, including Tenants Harbor. Then I used the picture of Mt. Rainier, the only picture I had from Charlie that was “not” Maine.
Third party intervener, “It’s a stretch.”
“Then how about “little big water” in the caption? Is that somehow linked to Little Big Horn?”
That’s a thought, but no.The “big water” refers to the ocean (I’m sure I’ve heard or read “big water” so used) and the “little” refers both to Puget Sound — a little part of the Pacific Ocean next to which lies Seattle — and to the part of Charlie’s picture that Is ocean compared to the part that Is Mt. Rainier.
Being clever is tricky business.
Hmmm. I got it the first time. Maybe because I started learning from you at a tender age (U of M Library School, 1971). Still am learning from you…