We’re here, the webcam is on and, after two mornings of coffee on the front porch, I can report that life in Tenants Harbor just gets better and better.

The lobster boats are in today maybe because it is windy or it is Sunday or lobster prices are low or it might storm or who knows?  A few walkers-by were out – one I knew anjd one I met; one sailboat was already on an overnight mooring; and a visitor nearby enjoyed his dog – a dachshund/doberman mix (yes!) – leaping in our jungle lawn trying to catch a mouse or vole or something else moving.  I wanted to hire the dog.  Then Charlie mowed the lawn, and a dreaded chipmunk (think gnawed pvc-pipe) rushed out and  frolicked across Sea Street into the recently unearthed rock pile.  (See left on the webcam.)


Like all Main Streets, a busy Tenants Harbor is always fun to watch.

Thanks to Charlie, Roseledge has drained pipes, cold water, hot water, working computers, mowed lawn, and, beginning summer trash of used napkins from the nearby Bakery’s best-ever breakfast bagels.  The refrigerator and stove are still in the living room, though the former is plugged in, and the nonfiction bookshelves still need to be restocked and replaced against the wall once the drowned wallboard is replaced.  Charlie is thinking deeply (and snoring) about the next most important thing to do.  We are invited out to supper again tonight, so summer shopping and the stove can wait a day.  We found an unopened box of Tasteoos and the last of last summer’s coffee in the freezer, so unpicky folks that we are, we’re good for at least another day.

No book news, but the current Down East Magazine features Rockland’s Home Kitchen Cafe, the new venture of the nifty team who made the nifty Roseledge Books t-shirts these last fifteen years.  Cinnamon rolls were featured in the article, yum, and I am hoping for equally celebrate-able oatmeal.   More about books and an oatmeal report later.


One more walkway up the hill and the granite steps of Roseledge beckon.

Mostly we are getting ready for you all (and surely your numbers are legion) to come or come again and again to Roseledge Books.  Two half-screens just blew out of the upstairs windows, so it’s time for me to awaken the troops and direct once again.  Did I say it was windy?  Did I say it was perfect?

Welcome back to Roseledge Books.  Let the summer fun and perfect reads begin.

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  1. Karen Harwood says:

    So glad you are safely there. You sound thoroughly happy as I am sure you are.
    Sorry I missed talking with you by phone. Tried once when I discovered you hadn’t left Mpls. by Memorial Day. Wish I could drive to see you and enjoy coffee and that beautiful view. May you have a wonderful and profitable summer. Karen

  2. Mary Ellen says:

    HI Colleen,
    Nice to hear your voice from your Roseledge perch. Have you read “God’s Hotel” by Victoria Sweet? It is highly recommended by me. I have a copy for you as I grabbed a few when I saw them in paperback at Garrison Keillor’s book store. If you haven’t got it, I will send it along right away. Thinking of you with happiness and also envy (and hope to see you this season). All the best from our neck of the woods. ~ Mary Ellen

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