And it is so-o-o good to be back. So far everything has been perfect, well except for the heater conking out in the middle of a low 50’s night on the water. But even that turned out to be part of the TH welcome when possibly the only person in the world who knows the innards of our 25 year old Monitor was ten minutes away on another call. He came over, took it apart, fixed it and gave us heat within the hour. I love the miracle that is Maine.
Memorial Day weekend with its parade and after-parade parties is just the best time to re-meet and greet other die-hard summer people when every summer thing is still possible. Old friends new to TH stopped by with wine and goodies — even as Charlie was in town stocking up — and with an amazing ability to fit in. This means they served their own wine in RB’s finest plastic wine glasses with nary a flinch. Charlie and Julie returned laden, other friends stopped by with goodies, and soon the perfect spontaneous summer party was upon us. Hello summer.
Charlie is sort of busy fixing things for my somewhat less mobile summer. I read and direct; he sometimes pays attention. I finished the latest Jack Reacher in paperback (Lee Child’s Gone Tomorrow, set in NYC with ties elsewhere) and now I am bereft. His next paperback, is next summer and though Janet Maslin loves the hardcover as usual, I have to admit that the setting, cold South Dakota, is not my idea of a good time. I grew up in cold North Dakota and loved it, of course, but I don’t need more. I’m about to start C.J. Box’s Below Zero. I hope the title is not weather-related. Between reads I am about to start my big summer book order. All I know for sure so far is that T. J.. Stiles’ The First Tycoon and Bernd Heinrich’s The Snoring Bird will be part of it.
I still have to do my lookover of last summer’s series to see which authors’ latest adventures I need to add. Cara Black, Nicholas Kilmer, Peter Spiegelman, and Phoebe Atwood Taylor for sure. Then there are the new ones I’ll add to try and lure you all back to RB.
Charlie has chosen this minute to move furniture right around me. The potatoes have been boiling too long. It is raining on the wonderful uninsulated roof which is fun if you have a roof but not so good if you are still taking pee pills, which I am. For those who know me: good news. Everything wrong is treatable, and with some help, I’m here and waiting for you to be here, too.
Hello from Tenants Harbor.