A little excitement here. Charlie tells the tale, [and I edit.]……………………………We were just walking down the street and I recognized the reporter who fortunately was from a station we watch. He asked if we’d like to be interviewed and it took about 2 nanoseconds for mom to say “yes!” (I declined and went into the Starbucks to get our lattes). She immediately started telling them how to do their jobs: “be sure to get my good side, don’t show the bald spot, …”...[Okay, I did ask them to avoid my bald spot, but ONLY because it looked rashy after 3 hats – bucket baseball, and party hat with chin strap –blew away and left my head exposed to intense beach-sun. But I did not DIRECT anything, for heaven’s sake. I just gently reframed a question about “COVID thoughts” by relating my answer to the 24th Ave Pier, which is wonderful, new, and open to all through all of COVID...This led to a mention of what to do about the pressing issue of Albert [the junker] from Homer, Alaska, who now hugs the Pier and is an eyesore. Later I found out that Albert was once an Icelandic Coast Guard warrior who fought bravely against sea-grasping England in the Cod Wars. You go, Albert! Clearly, he needs to begone from the Pier and, if Homer isn’t missing him, maybe whoever lets him live by the Pier should arrange, instead, for Albert to become a seaside memorial made of his cut up metal pieces reformed as public art. I think the interview team saw the possibilities...Only then, as the videographer gathered his gear did the interviewer mention that his colleague was from Maine. I had mentioned my 35 Roseledge summers, so the camera guy asked, “Where in Maine?” When I said Tenants Harbor, he paused, looked a bit stunned, and said, ‘“I’m from TH. My grandfather was caretaker for the Aldrich’s.” Thus we began the exchange of names that is the Maine way. I mentioned Tim’s Gramp Dowling, caretaker for the Smiths, and Tim, the East Wind Inn, he added Cod End and the Millers, and that he had gone to school with Scott! What are the chances?!! ]..When I came out the filming was done but the Roseledge stories had started (everything leads to Roseledge stories eventually). [I detect a bit of snark.]………………………………………The next morning at breakfast, I thought maybe one or two of my fellow oldies-but- goodies would have seen last evening’s early local news, so I put on my best humblebrag look and casually rolled in, but no one said anything. NOT ONE PERSON. Amy, concierge extraordinaire, had lured them all, ALL, into the Vitality Room / theater at 7p.m., local news time, to watch “Steel Magnolias.” AARGH!.Fortunately, so you don’t have to miss out, Charlie, best son ever, has rescued a bit. Please note that my eyes are open in this screenshot. If you look at the whole segment [See link below the screenshot.], my ten seconds of fame comes at 1:18 into the segment..Burning question: can you be a star, if no one watches?
Colleen, I watched and you look GREAT!!!
Very cogent
Very cogent. Star quality!